
UNAIDS – United Nations Joint Program on HIV-AIDS

UNAIDS – United Nations Joint Program on HIV-AIDS

The Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (all the more prevalently known as UNAIDS) goes about as the essential backer, organizer, and facilitator to guarantee a more bound together worldwide reaction to HIV/AIDS.

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Dispatched in January 1996 by a goal of the UN Economic and Social Council, UNAIDS’ key goal is to standardize and coordinate HIV/AIDS exercises dependent on an agreement of strategy and automatic destinations by an organization of global partners.

UNAIDS regulates a planned relationship of cosponsoring associations, which incorporates the World Health Organization (WHO),

The World Bank, the International Labor Organization (ILO), the World Food Program (WFP), and the accompanying seven UN-drove offices:

  • Joined Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
  • Joined Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • Joined Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  • Joined Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • Joined Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  • UN Women

UNAIDS is administered by a Program Coordinating Board involving the UNAIDS Secretariat, the Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations, and agents from 22 governments and five non-administrative associations (NGOs).

The UNAIDS Executive Director capacities as Secretariat and is designated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Peter Piot, a notable disease transmission expert and one of the first to find the Ebola infection, was the association’s first Executive Director.

Piot was preceded by Michel Sidibé, a previous UN Assistant Secretary-General, in 2009. Winifred ‘Winnie’ Karagwa Byanyima supplanted Sidibé in 2019.

Byanyima filled in as Executive Director of Oxfam International preceding turning into the UNAIDS Executive Director.

The Role of UNAIDS

In contrast to the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) or The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis or Malaria,

UNAIDS doesn’t work as the chief financing system for HIV/AIDS programs (despite the fact that it and large numbers of its Cosponsors, including the World Bank, do give awards and advances on the country and program level).

Maybe, the part of UNAIDS is to offer help in strategy detailing, vital arranging, specialized direction, innovative work, and backing inside the system of a worldwide work plan.

At the national level, UNAIDS works through a “UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS” with a Secretariat staff and inhabitant organizer in chosen nations.

It is through this gathering that UNAIDS can guarantee specialized, monetary, and automatic help predictable with the country’s public arrangement and needs.

Furthermore, under the United Nations Declaration Commitment on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS effectively draws in and upholds the cooperation of non-state elements including common society, business, religious associations (FBOs), and the private area to supplement the public authority’s reaction to HIV/AIDS.

This incorporates the advancement and headway of common freedoms and sex fairness, tending to such issues as shame, segregation, sex-based savagery, and criminalization of HIV inside the system of the public discourse. For HIV treatment go to

The Goals of UNAIDS

UNAIDS has six head objectives laid out in their establishing declaration:

  • To give the administration and accomplish worldwide agreement on a brought together way to deal with the HIV/AIDS plague.
  • To reinforce the limit of the United Nations to screen scourge drifts and guarantee the fitting frameworks and methodologies are executed at the national level.
  • To fortify the limit of public governments to create and execute a powerful public reaction to HIV/AIDS.
  • To advance expansive based political and social preparation to forestall and react to HIV/AIDS inside nations, and;
  • To advocate more noteworthy political responsibility at both the worldwide and national level, including the sufficient portion of assets for HIV/AIDS exercises.

UNAIDS Strategic Goals, 2011-2015

In 2011, under the build of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) set up by the United Nations in 2000, UNAIDS extended its essential destinations to accomplish various key focuses constantly 2015:

  • To decrease the frequency of sexual transmission of HIV by half, including in danger populaces of men who have intercourse with men (MSM) and business sex laborers.
  • To dispense with mother-to-child transmission of HIV, while splitting the quantity of HIV-related maternal passings.
  • To wipe out HIV transmission among infusion drug clients (IDUs).
  • To diminish the quantity of tuberculosis (TB)- related demise among individuals with HIV by half.
  • To lessen the quantity of correctional laws encompassing HIV transmission, business sex work, drug use, and homosexuality by half.
  • To diminish HIV travel and residency limitations in portions of the nations that have such laws.
  • To guarantee that the HIV-explicit requirements of ladies and young ladies are met at any rate half of all public reactions to HIV/AIDS.
  • To guarantee zero capacity to bear sexual orientation based brutality.

In a 2013 survey by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, progress in accomplishing numerous these objectives was measured and evaluated.4 Among the discoveries:

  • From 2001 to 2011, the quantity of grown-ups and kids recently tainted with HIV dropped by 21%. Everything considered, roughly 2.5 million individuals are recently tainted with HIV every year.
  • 8,000,000 individuals in non-industrial nations have been set on antiretroviral treatment (ART), with projections recommending that 15 million will approach treatment by 2015.
  • Seven African nations detailed a half decrease in new HIV diseases among youngsters since 2009. The inclusion of mother-to-kid mediations has expanded to 75% in numerous need nations. In South Africa alone, MTCT rates have dropped to 5%, down from a high of 37% in 2000. In any case, just 57% of pregnant ladies with HIV are accepting the ART they need.
  • Somewhere in the range of 2004 and 2011, 17 out of 44 nations with high HIV/TB pervasiveness announced more noteworthy than half decreases in death among individuals with HIV.
  • Generally speaking, there has been a 38% decrease in TB passings, supported to a great extent by heightened TB distinguishing proof, more noteworthy disease control, and the inescapable utilization of prophylactic medicine to forestall TB contamination in weak populaces.

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