
How To Soothe Your Child’s Allergies

How To Soothe Your Child’s Allergies

Allergy symptoms may seem to some to be a nuisance, but if you’ve ever seen your child suffer from respiratory allergies, you know they’re not quite that easy.

Uncontrolled allergy symptoms, particularly itchy eyes and a stuffy nose, may have a negative impact on children’s quality of life.

If your little one isn’t sleeping well at night, feels ill during the day, or is limited in their activities, it’s critical to consult with a board-certified allergist to get your child tested for allergies and receive the proper medication to keep allergy symptoms under control.

While allergy management and treatment are essential, your child’s allergy symptoms may flare up at times. Consider these easy, calming treatments to assist your child if this is the case.

Remove The Allergen

In some cases, the best course of action is to remove the allergen from your child’s life entirely. This might be as ‘simple’ as not giving them a specific type of food or as complicated and emotional as rehoming a family pet.

This last will always be difficult, and you must do it the right way. All the elements you need to know on how to rehome a dog find them Here!

Of course, it’s not always going to be possible to remove the allergen from your child’s life, and in that case, doing what you can to make things easier for them is the best you can do. Think carefully, however, about whether or not making some lifestyle changes could be the right thing to do, at least initially.

Drink Plenty Of Water

When your child’s respiratory allergy symptoms worsen, keep plenty of water on hand. This is an excellent, all-natural method for reducing symptom severity. When allergens (substances to which your child is allergic) enters their body, their mucus membrane — tissue that secretes mucus — is activated to capture allergens such as pollen.

Making sure your child drinks enough water throughout the day improves hydration and improved mucous membrane moisture.

Soups made with broth are also beneficial. Allergies cause a lot of mucus to be produced in order to protect the respiratory system, but this results in a cough, sore throat, and stuffy nose. Drinking plenty of clear liquid may help clear out some of the mucus, particularly if it bothers your throat.

Use A Cooling Compress

Itchy, watery eyes may make a youngster unhappy, but a simple ice pack or cold compress can provide significant comfort. Applying ice to uncomfortable parts of the body, especially the eyes, will be comforting and may ease the discomfort and pain.

If you use allergy eye drops or skin creams, check with your pharmacist to see if you could keep them in the refrigerator for a greater cooling effect.

Can a warm compress also help your child? Does it have to be cold? Ideally, yes. Warm compresses may help some children with severe sinus congestion, but they won’t help with common allergy symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, or stuffy nose.

Use Steam Treatment

A steam treatment isn’t only for pampering yourself; it can also help relieve your child’s allergy problems. Inhaling humidified air may help cleanse the nasal passages and make breathing easier. It may also relieve irritation of mucous membranes in the nose, throat, and lungs.

To make an at-home steam treatment, place your child in the bathroom with the door closed while you take a hot shower to provide temporary relief from nasal congestion.

Or, if you prefer, just leave the shower running while they sit and breathe in the steam; you don’t have to take a shower at the same time.

Alternatively, you could boil some water and have the child put their head over the bowl with a cloth on their heads. You might even add some essential oils such as peppermint or eucalyptus. Just be careful of hot water around small children. To assist release mucus, you could also try an over-the-counter saline nose wash.

Give Them Honey

When a child has allergies, they can develop postnasal drip, and this, in turn, causes a cough. Not only is the cough potentially painful, but it’s also disruptive, meaning that sleep can be disturbed and the immune system is weakened once more.

Honey could be the answer, as long as your child is over twelve months (honey can cause botulism – food poisoning – in younger children). Taking a spoonful of honey before bed will coat the throat, protecting it from mucus and soothing the cough.

You may have heard that locally made honey can be used to cure seasonal pollen allergies, but this is not true. Honeybees make honey by transporting pollen from non-windborne plants, such as flowers.

However, since pollen allergies are caused by windborne pollens (trees, grasses, weeds, and so on), honey does not desensitize against pollen allergies. It’s very tasty, but it won’t help in general.


Even if your child is feeling under the weather due to allergy symptoms, it is still beneficial to encourage physical exercise. Exercise is an excellent way to enhance general health while also alleviating allergy symptoms.

Physical exercise boosts blood flow, raises breathing rate, and can also be a great diversion from irritating allergy symptoms. The increased circulation will enhance the immune system cells’ capacity to move throughout the body.

If your child is allergic to pollen, however, avoid outdoor activity on high pollen days. Instead, choose enjoyable indoor activities.

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I share technology, business, and personal development insights as a guest author. With a background in computer science and tech industry experience, I offer practical tips and actionable advice to enhance skills and achieve goals. Whether it's optimizing productivity, improving mental health, or navigating the digital world, I'm committed to helping others succeed. When not writing, I explore new technologies, read about industry developments, or enjoy the outdoors.

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